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Montana Park, Tshwane North-East, Gauteng

Power Solutions & Generators

379 Calliandra Street
Montana Park
Tshwane North-East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
087 150 7772
Fax Number
086 571 8526
[email protected]

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•Prodocom uses only worldwide approved suppliers of equipment and import our own batteries
•We have over 20 years of experience in Batteries, UPS’s, Generators and Power Solutions
•Prodocom is committed to protecting the environment
•Prodocom is a supplier, manufacturer and service provider in the power generation field
•We focus on renewable energy generation and technology
•We secured manufacturers and suppliers of Green Energy Technology

What sets us apart from the rest of the market?

•Our Mobile Back-up vehicles are able to perform the testing of batteries on site, with the support of back-up batteries on hand.
•The need to shut down the entire system is no longer necessary (no downtime, no loss of data on any system e.g. voice or data).
•After each test a comprehensive report can be submitted determining the status of the batteries during the test or on completion.
•The report will be submitted on a CD. Quotations for any repairs can be submitted on request. All our quality testing equipment complies with SS-EN ISO 9001:2000


Visits: 992