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Lewende Woord Bronkhorstspruit

Tweefontein, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng

Place of Worship

75 Kilomanjaro Street
Kaya Manzi
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
013 932 3455
[email protected]

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Lewende Woord Bronkhorstspruit

Lewende Woord Bronkhorstspruit se dienste word gekenmerk deur ‘n vriendelike en ontspanne atmosfeer met teer aanbidding wat jou nader aan God se hart bring. Met elke diens bied ons praktiese onderrig uit die woord van God wat jou sal toerus om ‘n dader van die Woord te wees. Persoonlike bediening word gebied na elke diens, onder andere gebed vir genesing en enige ander behoeftes as ook algemene berading.

Since the founding of Living Word Bronkhorstspruit in 2010 it has been the desire of the Pastors Couple (Mathys & Carly van der Vyver) to pursue the assignment of the Great Commission as stipulated in Matthew 28. They had a firm conviction that Living Word vision was not just their ‘mandate’ but also their anointing to see and understand the Word. They thus bought into the vision of ‘a loving word based Kingdom community’ and founded the Living Word in Bronkhorstspruit.


Dienstye / Service Times:
Sondae Oggende / Sunday Mornings: 09:00

Tienerkerk / Teenage Ministry
Sondae Aande / Sunday Evenings: 17:00

Lewende Woord Main (Brummeria)

012 845 8300
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Tshwane Church Leaders Forum (TCLF)
[email protected]
012 362 1396
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Visits: 2273