Justine Mokgoatjana Physiotherapy - The Village Shopping Centre
Justine Mokgoatjana Physiotherapy is located at The Village Shopping Centre in Moreleta Park, Pretoria East and consists of a team of 7 physiotherapists and 3 administrators. We specialize in health promotion by use of digital equipment that analyze muscle imbalance which is the main source of pain.
Even though not apparent the human body needs to be conditioned into good movement patterns. All this attained by a team of physiotherapists with different specialties. We service in hospital and out-patients.
Sports Injuries, Rehab of Neurological Conditions (Stroke, Cerebral Palsy and Neuropathies), Orthopaedics Conditions, Post Surgery, Chest Conditions, Muscle Tension, Text Neck, Muscle Pains, Massages, Recommendation for proper Work Stations e.g. proper chair.