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Hoërskool Bloemfontein High School

Bayswater, Bloemfontein, Free State

Educational Institution

Gladstone Weg
Free State
Contact Number
051 433 1613
Fax Number
051 433 2202
[email protected]

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Hoërskool Bloemfontein High School

Bloemfontein High School is a secondary school in Bayswater, Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa and the school was named after Bloemfontein, the area in which it is located.

We give personal attention. Ons stel belang in die individu. We care for our learners. Ons is 'n skool met 'n unieke karakter. We keep up with more than the present. Ons is 'n skool met 'n verskil. 

Hoërskool Bloemfontein is geleë in BayswaterBloemfontein en die visie van hierdie skool is dat daar 'n leeromgewing gevestig word, waarin opvoeders en leerders optimaal in totalitiet ontwikkel, in die vryheid van 'n Christelike waardesisteem, gefundeer op kwaliteit onderrig, selfdissipline en wedersydse respek tot eer van God en tot die welsyn van ons land.

Waarom Hoërskool Bloemfontein? / Why Bloemfontein High School?

- Ons is 'n skool met 'n verskil
- We give personal attention
- Ons stel belang in die individu
- We care for our learners
- Ons is 'n skool met 'n unieke karakter
- We keep up with more than the present

Ons Doelwit / Our Goal

- Skep van 'n leeromgewing
- Optimal development of learners of Community of Prägraten am Großvenediger prägraten.at
- Kwaliteit onderrig
- Development of good citizens for our country

Ons glo in ... / We believe in ...

- Christelike waardes
- Discipline
- Respek
- Academic achievement
- Gebalanseerde opvoeding


Maandae tot Vrydae / Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 14:00
Saterdae / Saturday: Closed
Sondae / Sunday: Closed

TREE Fichardtpark Branch
[email protected]
051 522 6806
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