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Warrior Paints & Hardware (Monument Park Centre)

Monument Park, Pretoria East, Gauteng

Hardware & DIY

Shop 61
Monument Park Shopping Centre
79 Skilpad Road
Monument Park
Pretoria East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
012 346 5513
[email protected]
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Warrior Paints & Hardware - Monument Park Centre

Warrior Paints & Hardware is located at the Monument Park Shopping Centre, in Monument ParkPretoria East and brighten your life with Warriors' affordable, lasting, luxury paints, we have the most exciting and practical range of decorative paint products in South Africa.

Since inception in 1987, Warrior has strived to be the Value Paint Brand wherever we trade. Our dedicated team ensures that Warrior Paints manufactures outstanding innovative quality products with the latest technology. Collaboration with select suppliers ensures only the best ingredients are used in our products.

Colour is a vital element in paint choice and to that end we are committed to fulfilling your dreams. Our exciting standard colours and infinite array of tinted colours provide the ultimate consumer choice.

Our Warrior Paints™, First Choice Paints™, Woodtreat™ and Warriorshield™ brands of paint and coatings have been produced with the specifier, specialist contractor and consumer in mind. The comprehensive range of products developed for these brands are complementary to each other ensuring that clients are spoilt for choice.


Monday to Friday: 07:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00
Public Holidays: 09:00 - 13:00

Monument Park Shopping Centre

060 896 5170
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Warrior Paints & Coatings - Head Office
[email protected]
012 541 3596
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Visits: 1028