Arcadia Primary School, located in Eastwood, Pretoria, was established on 26 January 1903 and has a rich history, this school has stood the test of time. From a very humble beginning in a tent in Arcadia Park this institution has grown and become an important contributor to the life of Pretoria and its people.
Arcadia Primary School is the oldest school on its original premises in Pretoria. Major improvements to the buildings and premises were done in 1999 to ensure a "new" school for the new Millennium and the new generation child.
Arcadia has fantastic, hardworking and committed educators and staff and here we always put the child first. We believe in the holistic development of the child and that is why Arcadia is a school of excellence.
We are deeply committed to our values: trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fair, caring, being a good citizen excelling in all we do and being a leader.
'Arcadians' are people who are upholding and living by our values which will establish happiness.
Arcadia Primary School, located in Eastwood, Pretoria, was established on 26 January 1903 and has a rich history, this school has stood the test of time. From a very humble beginning in a tent in Arcadia Park this institution has grown and become an important contributor to the life of Pretoria and its people.
Arcadia Primary School is the oldest school on its original premises in Pretoria. Major improvements to the buildings and premises were done in 1999 to ensure a "new" school for the new Millennium and the new generation child.
Arcadia has fantastic, hardworking and committed educators and staff and here we always put the child first. We believe in the holistic development of the child and that is why Arcadia is a school of excellence.
We are deeply committed to our values: trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fair, caring, being a good citizen excelling in all we do and being a leader.
'Arcadians' are people who are upholding and living by our values which will establish happiness.